Sleep Disorders Related To Oral Health

Did you know that poor oral health can harm your sleep?  Poor sleep can have a detrimental effect on your overall general health. 

Generally, we think of sleep issues as being related to stress or illness, uncomfortable mattresses etc.

However, studies have shown that poor oral health can be a major factor in the quality of your sleep. 


Bruxism is another term for grinding teeth.  This mostly happens when we are sleeping, so we may not even know we are doing it. Grinding our teeth can result in cracked or broken teeth due to the enamel being worn down. The excessive force exerted on the teeth during grinding can lead to tooth wear, jaw pain, and headaches, further exacerbating sleep quality.

Your dental professionals at Lakeridge Dental Centre can fit you with a custom mouthguard to prevent the teeth from grinding together, and, of course, can also help to restore any teeth that this action has damaged.  Damaged or broken teeth are also likely to be uncomfortable and any pain will certainly affect your sleep. 

At Lakeridge Dental Centre, our team of dental experts can provide treatments such as crowns for broken teeth or veneers for chipped teeth.

If you suspect you might be grinding your teeth, please contact your dental professionals at Lakeridge Dental Centre, so we can help you have a more restful sleep. 

General Oral Health Issues

Your sleep can also be affected by general oral health issues such as tooth decay, gum disease etc.  If you are experiencing pain in your mouth that will inevitably affect your sleep. 

Gum disease can irritate the gums along with soreness and dry mouth causing your sleep to be interrupted by needing to get up to drink water frequently. 

Gum Disease and Sleep Apnea

Recent studies have shown the correlation between gum disease and sleep apnea.  Gum disease is characterized by inflammation and infection of the gums.  Inflammation caused by gum disease can obstruct the airway, making it more challenging to breathe properly while sleeping. 

Tooth decay is often caused by poor oral hygiene and excessive consumption of sugary and acidic food and drink. This can lead to dental pain and discomfort, causing a restless sleep. 

The dental professionals at  Lakeridge Dental Centre have some practical tips to help you have a more restful sleep.

  • A full dental examination will help to identify any oral health issues that can directly affect your sleep quality. Also, extremely important is to follow through on treatment recommendations from your dentist. 
  • Visiting your dental hygienist at Lakeridge Dental Centre, at least every six months will go a long way in keeping your oral health at its best.
  • Brushing at least twice per day and flossing and rinsing at least once per day
  • Limiting your consumption of sugary and acidic food and drinks. 
  • Drinking plenty of water every day helps to rinse your mouth of harmful bacteria and prevents dry mouth. 

Your dental professionals at Lakeridge Dental Centre want you to remember that your oral health greatly affects all aspects of your life including sleep quality.  By prioritizing good oral health you are improving your overall health. 

Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or be a substitute for professional medical or dental advice.